Thursday, June 21, 2012

Difference between Portals in Salesforce

There are 3 types of Portals.
  •  Customer Portal
  •  Partner Portal
  • Self  Service Portal
The feature differences are that Partner Portal exposes the Leads and Opportunity objects whereas the Customer Portal does not.
Customer Portal is to support for your customers.
Partner Portal is to support your Partners. Partner users are Salesforce users with limited capabilities. They are associated with a particular partner account, have limited access to your organization's data, and log in via a partner portal.
But when compared, Partner portal is costlier than Customer Portal.
Self-Service provides an online support channel for your customers – allowing them to resolve their inquiries without contacting a customer service representative.
A Customer Portal is similar to a Self-Service portal in that it provides an online support channel for your customers—allowing them to resolve their inquiries without contacting a customer service representative.
However, a Customer Portal provides significantly richer functionality than a Self-Service portal. This is because a Customer Portal has functionality similar to With a Customer Portal, you can customize and deliver a visually stunning user interface to your customers, and use the following Salesforce.comfeatures to help you and your customers succeed:

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