Friday, June 1, 2012

Non-Standard Controller Action Methods

Non-Standard Controller Action Methods:
    Non-standard controller action method means which is not used in standard action this is only New Button action.
·        New:
Insert the new record in currently context and return to redirected page.

Standard Controller Action Methods:
    Action methods perform logic or navigation when the page event occurs, such as when a user clicks a button, or hovers over an area of page. Action methods can be called from page markup by using {! } notation in the action parameter of one of the following tags:
• <apex:commandButton> creates the button that calls an action
• <apex:commandLink> creates the link that calls an action
• <apex:actionPoller> periodically calls the action
• <apex:actionSupport> makes the event (such as “onclick”, “onmouseover”, and so on) on another, named component,call an action
• <apex:actionFunction> defines a new JavaScript function that calls the action
• <apex:page> calls an action when page is loaded

Standard Action Methods:
·        Save:
      Insert new record or updates an existing record if it is currently in context. After this operation is finished, save action returns user to original page (if known), or navigates the user to the detail page for the saved record.

·        Quicksave:
     Insert a new record or updates an existing record if it is currently in context. Unlike the save action, this page does not redirect user to another page.

·        Edit:
     Navigate the user to the edit page for record that is currently in context. After this
operation is finished, edit action returns the user to the page where the user originally
invoked the action.

·        Delete:
   Delete record that is currently in content. After this operation is finished, delete
action either refreshes the page or sends the user to tab for the associated object.

·        Cancle:
 Abort an edit operation. After this operation is finished, the cancel action returns the user to the page where the user originally invoked the edit.

·        List:
Return a Page Reference object of the standard list page, based on the most recently used list filter for that object. For example, if the standard controller is contact, and the last filtered list that the user viewed is New Last Week, the contacts created in the last week are displayed.

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